Young People, Employment And Entrepreneurship In The Mediterranean
We are aware that young people neither in employment, nor in education or training, which in some countries represents as much as 31% of 15-29 year olds, is a.... Context and Rationale Cities and regions in the Mediterranean are facing ... to young people in terms of employment, training possibilities, entrepreneurship and.... With 60% of the population are under 30 years of age, and one of the highest youth unemployment rates in the world, providing young people.... On 16 and 17 January, in the framework of the Youth Employment in the Mediterranean (YEM) project, ... as well are the required skills for employment and entrepreneurship. ... Young people at the core of skills forecasting.. Skills, Employment and Entrepreneurship Strategies for the Mediterranean ... The Social Economy in the Mediterranean: impact on job creation for young people. experience difficulty in finding formal employment. The proportion of young people in the population in employment varies from a high of 45% in Israel to just 14%.... Libyan fashion company wins Young Local Entrepreneurship in the MediterraneanA ... of gender, we can stir entrepreneurship and create new jobs. ... The Assembly represents the people of the Euro-Mediterranean region,.... These sectors are also particularly useful for job creation in a region that requires ... With 40 million unemployed young people, 27 million without education and ... During the 1st Forum of Entrepreneurs of the Mediterranean, entrepreneurs.... EYE - E-Incubator for Young Entrepreneurs in Europe. ... These include young people who ... adults job security in their home countries. ... The situation is particularly acute for women in the Mediterranean countries of the MENA region and in.... The third edition of the World Youth Forum in Egypt, which gathered more ... for the Mediterranean (UfM), where over 90 young people of 43 different ... need to create jobs for women and youth, foster entrepreneurship and.... The recent economic and political crisis in the South Mediterranean (SM) ... of young people for obstructing their entrance to the job market show that ... the technical and entrepreneurial spirit and by this the self-containing the.... Education and training have a key role to play in developing an entrepreneurial culture of young people to find a job more easily and to contribute to the.... OCEMO programmes in the Mediterranean Region OCEMO (office de Coopration Economique pour la Mditerrane et l'Orient) is a research centre as well as.... Organised by the Union For the Mediterranean in cooperation with LEED and ... Entrepreneurship be combined and fostered for integration of young people in.... Among young people aged 2535, the rate of temporary jobs for women is 21 per cent ... Self-employment and female entrepreneurship The increase in female.... ... a comprehensive methodological tool for youth workers to educate and guide young people towards entrepreneurship and self-employment.... methodologies and tools to support youth entrepreneurship and job creation, ... social entrepreneurship and innovation in order to make young people able to: i). ... their 'employability' do exist including, for instance, la Maison de l'Entrepreneur, ... among others, support the integration of young people in the world of work. ... Employment Service ANEM (Agence National Secteur d'Emploi) in 2105 and.... Euro-Mediterranean frameworks for cooperation and integration . ... Figure 23: Aggregate youth employment creation in Regional Integration (Trade ... large, a phenomenon affecting young people between 15 and 24 years old and, ... services to support entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises through providing business.. Young people, employment and entrepreneurship ... Making the Marseille-Provence and Euro-Mediterranean regions an attractive destination requires multiple...
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